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Inverter Ups Battery Services Near Me +91 9160004772 +91 9247753412

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Battery Experts

Shop Car Batteries Home Inverters Inverter Batteries - Battery Experts is an online multi-brands battery store for Car Batteries, Home Inverters,Home Inverter Batteries,SMF/VRLA Batteries Truck Batteries,Generator or Genset Batteries and we are offering genuine batteries with manufacturer warranty in many brands like Amaron,Exide,Luminous,Sf Sonic,Microtek,Tata Green,Livfast,Powerzone & more brands. We have the complete range of automotive as well as inverter batteries for home, office purpose. We provide batteries inverters cash on delivery, free home delivery installation and bulk orders accepts.

By Brand-Luminous,Exide,Amaron,Livfast,APC,V-Guard more...

Combos - Inverter and Battery Combos,Inverter Battery Trolley/ Stand,UPS & Battery,Genset Battery,Three Wheeler/Auto,Truck,Golf Cart,Wheelchair,Electric E-Bike,lcv-batterymini-truck-scv-battery,muv-battery,muv-mpv-battery,muv-suv-battery,special-vehicle-battery,suv-battery,tractor-battery,truck-battery,utility-battery,van-battery,Three Wheeler Batteries/Auto Battery...more..

Batteris We Deal :

Two Wheeler Battery :Bajaj,Yamaha,Hero Motocorp,Suzuki,TVS,Honda,Royal Enfield,Kanda Motors,Kinetic Motors,LML,Mahindra

By Scooter Brand :Honda,Hero,Suzuki,TVS ..

Exide Bike Batteries :We Deal All Kind Of Exide Bike Batteries.

Amaron Bike Batteries :We Deal All Kind Of Amaron Bike Batteries

Scooter Battery

2-Wheeler Batteries

Electric E-Bike Battery :We Deal All Kind Of Electric Bike Batteries

Car Batteries :Audi,BMW,Chevrolet,Ford,Fiat,Honda,Hyundai,MERCEDES BENZ,Maruti Suzuki,Mahindra,Nissan,Renault,Skoda,Tata,Toyota,Volvo,Volkswagen

SUV Batteries :Chevrolet,Ford,Hyundai,Honda,Maruti Suzuki,Jeep,Mahindra,Renault,Tata Motors,Toyota,Skoda,Nissan.

Inverter Battery

Luminous Inverter Battery

Exide Inverter Battery

Amaron Inverter Battery

Livfast Inverter Battery

SF Sonic Inverter Battery

By Battery Capacity AH

100 AH

150 AH

135 AH

200 AH

Inverter Battery Trolley Stand

Flate Plate

Tall Tubular

UPS & Batteries

12V 7 AH

12V 7.5 AH

12V 12 AH

12V 18 AH

12V 26 AH

12V 42 AH

12V 65 AH

12V 75 AH

12V 100 AH

12V 120 AH

12V 150 AH

12V 200 AH

SMF Batteries

Exide Powersafe Battery

APC UPS Battery

Amaron Quanta UPS Battery

Exide Chloride UPS Battery


Pure Sinewave

Modified Sine wave

Square Wave

Online UPS

Inverter Brands







Inverter Capacity

500VA to 1000VA

1000VA to 1500VA

1500VA to 2000VA

2000VA to 5000VA

Above 5KW

Online UPS Brands





We Deal Industrial Batteries for various applications

• Golf Cart Batteries
• Floor Cleaning Machine Batteries
• Traction Batteries
• Forklift Batteries
• Tubular Batteries
• SMF - VRLAUPS Batteries
• Solar Batteries

Battery Care & Maintenance - Car,Inverter,UPS Battery Maintenance Service +91 9247753412,+91 9160004772

Battery Maintenance

Our experience has demonstrated that the key factor to accomplishing ideal execution and long battery life is to take after a standard care and upkeep. While checking on our battery upkeep tips, it would be ideal if you remember that all battery frameworks are one of a kind. Battery write, charger innovation, gear loads, link size, atmosphere, and different variables would all be able to shift. Slight or critical, these distinctions will require battery upkeep to be balanced as needs be. These are just rules to take after for legitimate battery mind. Every specific framework will dependably require a level of redid consideration.

Battery Maintenance Facts

A battery resembles a piggy bank, in the event that you continue taking out, and returning nothing, you before long will have nothing. Normal battery life has turned out to be shorter as vitality necessities have expanded. Life expectancy relies upon use; a half (6 months) year to four years(48 months) , yet just 30% of all batteries really come to the four(4) years point. Basic things of Battery Maintanice The lead acid battery is comprised of plates, lead and lead oxide (different components are utilized to change thickness, hardness, porosity, and so on.) with a 35% sulfuric corrosive and 65% water arrangement. This arrangement is called electrolyte which causes a substance response that create electrons. When you test a battery with a hydrometer you are estimating the measure of sulfuric corrosive in the electrolyte. In the event that your perusing is low, that implies the science that makes electrons is deficient. So where did the sulfur go? It is adhered to the batteries positive plates and when you revive the battery the sulfur comes back to the electrolyte.


Expel all gems from hands; wear security goggles and plastic gloves. Work far from open blazes and no smoking, hydrogen gas that batteries make while charging is exceptionally hazardous. Sulfuric Acid gobbles up cotton attire, however does not influence polyester or fleece. While doing electrical work on vehicles it is best to separate the ground link. Simply recollect you are upsetting destructive corrosive, touchy gases and 100's amps of electrical current.

Battery Regular Maintenance

Battery Maintenance is a vital issue. The battery ought to be perfect. Link association should be perfect and fixed. Numerous battery issues are caused by filthy and free associations. Useful battery needs the liquid level checked frequently and just at a full charge. The liquid level will dependably be higher at a full charge. Refined water is ideal; tap water is stacked with synthetic concoctions and minerals that are destructive to your battery, however not as terrible as no water. Try not to pack battery cells particularly in hotter climate. The characteristic liquid extension in sweltering climate will push overabundance electrolytes from the battery. To avoid erosion of links on top post batteries, utilize a little globule of silicon sealer at the base of the post and place a felt battery washer over it. Coat the washer with high temperature oil or oil jam (Vaseline). At that point put link on post and fix, coat the uncovered link end with the oil. Most people don't have the foggiest idea about that simply the gases from the battery consolidating on metal parts cause generally consumption.

Call us today for battery regular maintenance on +91 9247753412,+91 9160004772 +91 9160673696


Battery Testing

To gauge particular gravity purchase a temperature remunerating hydrometer at a vehicle parts store. To quantify voltage, utilize a computerized D.C. Voltmeter. You should first have the battery completely charged. The surface charge must be expelled before testing. On the off chance that the battery has been setting no less than 6 hours you may start testing. To expel surface charge the battery must experience a heap of 20 amps for 3 or more minutes. Turning on the headlights (high pillar) will do the trap. In the wake of killing the lights you are prepared to test the battery.

Sulfation of Batteries begins when particular gravity falls underneath 1.225 or voltage measures under 12.4 (12v Battery) or 6.2 (6 volt battery). Sulfation solidifies the battery plates lessening and in the long run decimating the capacity of the battery to create Volts and Amps. Load testing is yet another method for testing a battery. Load test expels amps from a battery much like beginning a motor would. A heap analyzer can be bought at most vehicle parts stores. Some battery organizations name their battery with the amp stack for testing. This number is normally 1/2 of the CCA rating. For example, a 500CCA battery would stack test at 250 amps for 15 seconds. A heap test must be performed if the battery is close or at full charge.

The consequences of your testing ought to be as per the following. Hydrometer readings ought not shift more than .05 distinction between cells in a solid sound battery. Computerized Voltmeters should read as the voltage is appeared in this archive. The fixed AGM and Gel-Cell battery voltage (full charged) will be somewhat higher in the 12.8 to 12.9 territories. In the event that you have voltage readings in the 10.5 volts go on a charged battery, which demonstrates a shorted cell.

If all else fails about battery testing, call the battery producer. call us for any clarifications or service on 9247753412,9160004772,9160004534,9160673696.

Battery Life and Performance

Battery life and execution, normal battery life has turned out to be shorter as vitality prerequisites increment. Two expressions heard frequently are "my battery won't take a charge and my battery won't hold a charge". Just 30% of batteries sold today come to the four year point. Truth be told 80% of all battery disappointment is identified with sulfation develop. This development happens when the sulfur atoms in the electrolyte (sulfuric acid) turns out to be so profoundly released that they start to coat the batteries lead plates. After a short time the plates turn out to be so covered the battery kicks the bucket. The reasons for sulfation are various, given me a chance to show some for you. Batteries sit too long between charges. As meager as 24 hours in sweltering climate and a few days in cooler climate. Battery stockpiling, leaving a battery sit without some sort of vitality input. Profound cycling motor begin battery, recall these batteries can't stand profound release. Undercharging of battery, to charge a battery suppose 90% of limit will permit sulfation of battery utilizing the 10% of battery science not reactivated by the fragmented charging cycle. Warmth of 100+°F, increments interior release. As temperatures increment so does inward release. Another completely charged battery left sitting 24 hours per day at 110 degrees F for 30 days would in all probability not begin a motor. Low electrolyte level, battery plates presented to air will instantly sulfate. Mistaken charging levels and settings. Most shabby battery chargers can accomplish more harm than help. Chilly climate is no picnic for the battery the science does not make an indistinguishable measure of vitality from a warm battery. A profoundly released battery can solidify strong in below zero climate. Parasitic deplete is a heap put on a battery with the key off.

Battery Charging

Battery charging, recall you should return the vitality you utilize instantly, on the off chance that you don't the battery sulfates and that influences execution and life span. The alternator is a battery charger; it functions admirably if the battery isn't profoundly released. The alternator tends to cheat batteries that are low and the cheat can harm batteries. Actually a motor beginning battery all things considered has just around 10 profound cycles accessible when energized by an alternator. Batteries get a kick out of the chance to be charged absolutely, particularly when they have been profoundly released. This kind of charging is called 3 stage directed charging. If it's not too much trouble take note of that exclusive exceptional SMART CHARGERS utilizing PC innovation can perform 3 stages charging systems. You don't discover these sorts of chargers in parts stores and Wal-Marts. The initial step is build energizing where to 80% of the battery vitality limit is supplanted by the charger at the most extreme voltage and current amp rating of the charger. At the point when the battery voltage achieves 14.4 volts this starts the retention charge step. This is the place the voltage is held at a steady 14.4 volts and the present (amps) decay until the point that the battery is 98% charged. Next comes the Float Step, this is a controlled voltage of not in excess of 13.4 volts and typically under 1 amp of current. This in time will bring the battery to 100% charged or near it. The buoy charge won't bubble or warmth batteries yet will keep up the batteries at 100% preparation and avert cycling amid long haul inertia. Some AGM batteries may require extraordinary settings or chargers.

Battery Do's

Think Safety First. Do normal investigation and upkeep particularly in sweltering climate. Do energize batteries promptly after release. Do purchase the most elevated RC hold limit or AH amp hour battery that will fit your arrangement.

Battery Don'ts

Try not to include new electrolyte (corrosive). Try not to utilize unregulated high yield battery charger to charge batteries. Try not to detach battery links while motor is running — your battery goes about as a channel. Try not to put off reviving batteries. Try not to include tap water as it might contain minerals that will debase the electrolyte. Try not to release a battery any more profound than you perhaps need to. Try not to give a battery a chance to get hot to the touch and bubble savagely while charging. Try not to blend size and kinds of batteries •

Car Batteries

Audi A4 Diesel
Audi A4 petrol
Audi A3 Diesel
Audi A3 Petrol
Audi A6 Diesel
Audi A6 Petrol
Audi A7 3.0 Diesel
Audi A8 L Diesel
Audi A8 L Petrol
Audi Q3 Quattro Diesel
Audi Q5 Petrol
Audi Q5 Quattro Diesel
Audi Q7 3.0 Diesel
Audi Q7 Diesel
Audi Q7 Petrol
Audi Q8
Audi Rs5
Audi S5
Audi RS7
Audi R8

BMW 3 Series 325i Petrol
BMW 3-Series 320d Diesel
BMW 5 Series 520d Diesel
BMW 5 Series 520i Petrol
BMW 5 Series 525d Diesel
BMW 5 Series 530d Diesel
BMW 5 Series 535i Petrol
BMW 6 Series 640d Diesel
BMW 6 Series 650i Petrol
BMW 7 Series 740Li Petrol
BMW 7 Series 750Li Petrol
BMW Z4 35i AT Petrol
BMW Z4 sDrive 35i Petrol
BMW 5 Series 523i Petrol
BMW X1 sDrive20i
BMW X1 sDrive20d
BMW Z4 sDrive20i
BMW X4 xDrive30i
BMW X3 xDrive30i
BMW 7 Series 745Le xDrive
BMW 3 Series GT Diesel
BMW 3 Series GT Petrol
BMW 3 Series 330i
BMW 6 Series GT 630d
BMW 6 Series GT 620d
BMW 6 Series GT 630i
BMW 5 Series 530i
BMW Z4 M40i
BMW M2 Competition
BMW M5 Competition
BMW X7 xDrive30d
BMW X7 xDrive40i
BMW X4 xDrive30d
BMW X4 xDrive20d
BMW X5 xDrive40i
BMW X3 xDrive20d
BMW 7 Series M 760Li xDrive
BMW 7 Series 730Ld Diesel
BMW X5 xDrive30d

Opel Vectra Diesel
Opel Vectra Petrol
Chevrolet Aveo 1.4 Petrol
Chevrolet Aveo 1.6 Petrol
Chevrolet Aveo U VA 1.2 Petrol
Chevrolet Beat Diesel
Chevrolet Beat Petrol
Chevrolet Captiva Diesel
Chevrolet Cruze Diesel
Chevrolet Enjoy
Chevrolet Forester
Chevrolet Optra 1.6 Petrol
Chevrolet Optra Magnum Diesel
Chevrolet Optra Magnum Petrol
Chevrolet Optra Srv Petrol
Chevrolet Sail Diesel
Chevrolet Sail Hatchback Diesel
Chevrolet Sail Hatchback Petrol
Chevrolet Sail Petrol
Chevrolet Spark 1.0 Petrol
Chevrolet Tavera Diesel
Opel Astra Diesel
Opel Astra Petrol
Opel Corsa Diesel
Opel Corsa Petrol
Chevrolet Enjoy 1.4 Petrol

Fiat Avventura Diesel
Fiat Avventura Petrol
Fiat Grande Punto 1.2 Petrol
Fiat Grande Punto 1.3 Diesel
Fiat Grande Punto 1.4 Petrol
Fiat Linea 1.3 Diesel
Fiat Linea 1.4 Petrol
Fiat Linea TJet Petrol
Fiat Palio Adventure 1.6 Petrol
Fiat Palio Diesel
Fiat Palio Petrol
Fiat Petra Diesel
Fiat Petra Petrol
Fiat Siena Diesel
Fiat Siena Petrol
Fiat Uno Diesel
Fiat Uno Petrol
Fiat Punto
Fiat Punto Abarth

Ford Ecosport Diesel
Ford Ecosport Petrol
Ford Endeavour 2.5 Diesel
Ford Endeavour 3.0 Diesel
Ford Fiesta Classic 1.4 Diesel
Ford Fiesta Classic 1.6 Petrol
Ford Fiesta Diesel
Ford Fiesta Petrol
Ford Figo 1.2 Petrol
Ford Figo 1.4 Diesel
Ford Figo 1.4 Petrol
Ford Fusion Diesel
Ford Fusion Petrol
Ford Ikon Old Diesel
Ford Ikon Old Petrol
Ford Mondeo Diesel
Ford Mondeo Petrol
Ford New Ikon 1.3 Petrol
Ford New Ikon 1.4 Diesel
Ford Aspire Diesel
Ford Aspire Petrol
Ford Fiesta Torque Diesel
Ford Endeavour 2.2 AT
Ford Endeavour 2.2 AT 2019
Ford Endeavour Dec 2015 Onwards

Honda Accord 2.4 Petrol
Honda Accord Old 3.5 Petrol
Honda Amaze 1.2 Petrol
Honda Amaze 1.5 Diesel
Honda BR-V Diesel
Honda BR-V Petrol
Honda Brio Petrol
Honda City CNG
Honda City Diesel
Honda City Petrol
Honda Civic 1.8 Petrol
Honda CRV 2.0 Petrol
Honda Jazz Petrol
Honda Mobilio Diesel
Honda Mobilio Petrol
Honda Jazz Diesel
Honda WR-V Diesel
Honda WR-V Petrol
Honda Civic 1.3 Hybrid

Hyundai Accent Diesel
Hyundai Accent Petrol
Hyundai Creta Diesel
Hyundai Creta Petrol
Hyundai Elantra 1.6 SX AT Diesel
Hyundai Elantra Diesel
Hyundai Elantra Petrol
Hyundai EON CNG
Hyundai EON Petrol
Hyundai Fluidic Verna Diesel
Hyundai Fluidic Verna Petrol
Hyundai Getz 1.3 Petrol
Hyundai Getz 1.6 Diesel
Hyundai Getz Prime 1.1 Petrol
Hyundai Grand i10 1.2 Petrol
Hyundai Grand i10 Diesel
Hyundai i10 1.1 Petrol
Hyundai i10 Era Petrol
Hyundai i10 Magna 1.1 iTech Petrol
Hyundai i10 Magna 1.1 Petrol
Hyundai i10 Magna LPG
Hyundai i10 Sportz 1.1 Petrol
Hyundai i10 Sportz 1.1L LPG
Hyundai i20 Active Diesel
Hyundai i20 Active Petrol
Hyundai i20 Asta Diesel
Hyundai i20 Asta Petrol
Hyundai i20 Elite Diesel
Hyundai i20 Elite Petrol
Hyundai I20 Era Diesel
Hyundai I20 Era Petrol
Hyundai i20 Magna Diesel
Hyundai i20 Magna Petrol
Hyundai i20 Sportz Diesel
Hyundai i20 Sportz Petrol
Hyundai Neo Fluidic Elantra 1.6 Diesel
Hyundai Neo Fluidic Elantra 1.6 S Petrol
Hyundai Santa Fe Diesel
Hyundai Santro
Hyundai Sonata Embera Diesel
Hyundai Sonata Embera Petrol
Hyundai Sonata Transform Diesel
Hyundai Sonata Transform Petrol
Hyundai Sonata Transform Petrol
Hyundai Terracan Crdi Diesel
Hyundai Tucson Diesel
Hyundai Verna 1.4 Diesel
Hyundai Verna 1.4 Petrol
Hyundai Verna 1.6 Diesel
Hyundai Verna 1.6 Petrol
Hyundai Xcent 1.1 CRDi Diesel
Hyundai Xcent 1.2 Petrol
Hyundai Elite i20 Magna Executive Petrol
Hyundai Elite i20 Era Petrol
Hyundai Elite i20 Asta Petrol
Hyundai Elite i20 Sportz Petrol
Hyundai Santro (new)
Hyundai Grand I10 Nios

Ambassador Classic Diesel
Ambassador Classic Petrol
Mitsubishi Cedia 2.0 Petrol
Mitsubishi Lancer Diesel
Mitsubishi Lancer Petrol
Mitsubishi Lancer Petrol Automatic
Mitsubishi Montero 3.2 Diesel
Mitsubishi Outlander Automatic Petrol
Mitsubishi Outlander Diesel
Mitsubishi Pajero 4X4 Diesel

Mahindra Bolero Camper
Mahindra Bolero Invader Dx
Mahindra Bolero New
Mahindra Bolero Old
Mahindra Classic Jeep
Mahindra KUV100 ESS Model Diesel
Mahindra Quanto
Mahindra Renault Logan 1.4 Petrol
Mahindra Renault Logan 1.5 Diesel
Mahindra Rexton
Mahindra Scorpio M2di Diesel
Mahindra Scorpio Micro Hybrid
Mahindra Scorpio Vlx Diesel
Mahindra Thar 4X4
Mahindra TUV300 - T4 / T6
Mahindra Verito 1.4 Petrol
Mahindra Verito 1.5 Diesel
Mahindra Verito Vibe
Mahindra Voyager
Mahindra XUV500
Mahindra Xylo D2
Mahindra Xylo E2
Mahindra KUV100 ESS Model Petrol
Mahindra XUV500 Hybrid
Mahindra Marazzo
Mahindra xuv 300
Mahindra Altrus G4
Thar 2020 petrol
Thar 2020 Diesel
Mahindra Alturas G4
Mahindra TUV 300 T10 Automatic

Maruti Suzuki SX4 Automatic (AT)
Maruti Gypsy 1000
Maruti Suzuki 1000
Maruti Suzuki 800 Std
Maruti Suzuki A Star Petrol
Maruti Suzuki Alto 800 CNG
Maruti Suzuki Alto 800 Petrol
Maruti Suzuki Alto K10 CNG
Maruti Suzuki Alto K10 Petrol
Maruti Suzuki Alto Std Petrol
Maruti Suzuki Baleno Altura
Maruti Suzuki Baleno Automatic
Maruti Suzuki Celerio CNG
Maruti Suzuki Celerio Diesel
Maruti Suzuki Celerio Petrol
Maruti Suzuki Ciaz CNG
Maruti Suzuki Ciaz Diesel
Maruti Suzuki Ciaz Petrol
Maruti Suzuki Eeco Petrol
Maruti Suzuki Ertiga Diesel
Maruti Suzuki Ertiga Petrol
Maruti Suzuki Esteem
Maruti Suzuki Esteem AX
Maruti Suzuki Estilo Petrol
Maruti Suzuki Grand Vitara Petrol
Maruti Suzuki Ignis Diesel
Maruti Suzuki Ignis Petrol
Maruti Suzuki Kizashi Petrol
Maruti Suzuki New Baleno Diesel
Maruti Suzuki New Baleno Petrol
Maruti Suzuki Omni Petrol
Maruti Suzuki Ritz Diesel
Maruti Suzuki Ritz Petrol
Maruti Suzuki S-Cross (Crossover) 1.3L
Maruti Suzuki S-Cross (Crossover) 1.6L
Maruti Suzuki Swift Petrol Before 2011
Maruti Suzuki SX4 Diesel
Maruti Suzuki SX4 Petrol
Maruti Suzuki Versa Petrol
Maruti Suzuki Vitara Brezza
Maruti Suzuki WagonR Petrol
Maruti Suzuki Zen Diesel
Maruti Suzuki Zen Petrol
Maruti Suzuki Ciaz 1.3 Hybrid
Maruti Suzuki Dzire Diesel Oct 2015 Onwards
Maruti Suzuki Dzire Petrol 2013 Onwards
Maruti Suzuki Dzire Diesel Upto Sep 2015
Maruti Suzuki Dzire Petrol Upto 2012
Maruti Suzuki New Baleno Automatic Petrol
Maruti Suzuki Swift Diesel Oct 2015 Onwards
Maruti Suzuki Swift Petrol 2012 Onwards
Maruti Suzuki Swift Diesel Upto Sep 2015
Maruti Suzuki Ertiga Hybrid
Maruti Suzuki S Presso Petrol
Maruti Suzuki S-Cross Smart Hybrid
Maruti Suzuki XL 6
Maruti Suzuki Baleno RS
Maruti Suzuki Ciaz Petrol Hybrid
Maruti Suzuki Kizashi Diesel

Mercedes Benz A Class A180 CDI
Mercedes Benz A Class A180 Sports Automatic
Mercedes Benz B Class B180 CDI
Mercedes Benz C Class C230 Petrol
Mercedes Benz C Class C250 CDI
Mercedes Benz C Class Petrol
Mercedes Benz C200 CDi Petrol
Mercedes Benz C220 CDi Diesel
Mercedes Benz C220 CDi Petrol
Mercedes Benz E Class E200 Petrol
Mercedes Benz E Class E250 Diesel
Mercedes Benz E Class E250 Petrol
Mercedes Benz E Class E280
Mercedes Benz E220 CDi
Mercedes Benz E350 Cabriolet
Mercedes Benz GL Class 350 Diesel
Mercedes Benz M Class ML320 Diesel
Mercedes Benz New M Class ML 350 Petrol
Mercedes Benz S Class 350 Diesel
Mercedes Benz S Class S350 L Petrol
Mercedes Benz S Class S500
Mercedes C Class C 200 CDI
Mercedes-Benz C-Class Kompressor
Mercedes Benz C200 Petrol 2015
Mercedes Benz E350 Cabriolet 2016 Onwards

Nissan Micra XV CVT Automatic
Nissan Datsun Go
Nissan Datsun Go+
Nissan Evalia
Nissan Micra Diesel
Nissan Micra Petrol
Nissan Sunny Diesel
Nissan Sunny Petrol
Nissan Teana 250 Petrol
Nissan Terrano Diesel
Nissan Terrano Petrol
Nissan X Trail Diesel
Nissan Datsun redi GO
Nissan Magnite

Renault Duster
Renault Fluence 1.5 Diesel
Renault Fluence 2.0 Petrol
Renault Koleos
Renault Kwid
Renault Lodgy
Renault Pulse Diesel
Renault Pulse Petrol
Renault Scala Diesel
Renault Scala Petrol
Renault Captur Diesel
Renault Captur Petrol
Renault Duster-THP-110PS
Renault Triber

Skoda Fabia 1.2 Petrol
Skoda Fabia 1.4 Diesel
Skoda Laura Ambiente 1.8 Petrol
Skoda Laura Ambiente 2.0 Petrol
Skoda Laura Ambiente1.9 Diesel
Skoda Laura Elegance 1.9 Diesel
Skoda Octavia Diesel
Skoda Octavia Petrol
Skoda Rapid 1.6 Petrol
Skoda Rapid 1.6 Diesel
Skoda Superb 1.8 Petrol
Skoda Superb 2.0 Diesel
Skoda Superb 3.6 Petrol
Skoda Yeti 2.0 Diesel
Skoda Kodiaq 2.0 TDI Style AT
Skoda Rapid 1.6 MPI Style Petrol AT


Tata Indigo Petrol
Tata Aria Diesel
Tata Bolt Diesel
Tata Bolt Petrol
Tata Indica eV2 Diesel
Tata Indica V2 Diesel
Tata Indica Vista Diesel
Tata Indica Vista Petrol
Tata Indica Xeta Petrol
Tata Indigo CS Diesel
Tata Indigo CS Petrol
Tata Indigo Diesel
Tata Indigo Manza Diesel
Tata Indigo Manza Petrol
Tata Indigo Marina Diesel
Tata Indigo Marina Petrol
Tata Nano Petrol
Tata Safari Dicor Diesel
Tata Safari Storme Diesel
Tata Sierra Diesel
Tata Sumo
Tata Tiago Diesel
Tata Venture Diesel
Tata Winger
Tata Zest Diesel
Tata Zest Petrol
Tata Hexa
Tata Nexon Diesel
Tata Nexon Petrol
Tata Tiago Petrol
Land Rover Range Rover Evoque 2012
Tata Tigor Diesel
Tata Tigor Petrol
Tata harier


Toyota Corolla Petrol
Toyota Camry Petrol
Toyota Corolla Altis Diesel
Toyota Corolla Altis Petrol
Toyota Corolla Automatic
Toyota Etios Diesel
Toyota Etios Liva Diesel
Toyota Etios Liva Petrol
Toyota Etios Petrol
Toyota Fortuner D4 Diesel
Toyota Innova Diesel Old
Toyota Innova Petrol Old
Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 3.0 Diesel
Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 4.0 Petrol
Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 4.5 Diesel
Toyota New Innova Special Edition Diesel
Toyota Prius 1.8 Petrol
Toyota Qualis Diesel
Toyota Qualis Petrol
Toyota Fortuner New 2017
Toyota Innova Crysta Diesel
Toyota Innova Crysta Petrol
Toyota Camry Hybrid 2.5 Non Electric
Toyota Fortuner New 2017 Automatic
Toyota Yaris AT
Toyota Yaris MT


Volkswagen Ameo 1.2L MPI
Volkswagen Beetle 2.0L Petrol
Volkswagen Jetta Diesel New
Volkswagen Jetta Diesel Old
Volkswagen Jetta Petrol
Volkswagen Passat Diesel
Volkswagen Passat Petrol
Volkswagen Phaeton 3.6 V6
Volkswagen Polo 1.2 Diesel
Volkswagen Polo 1.2 Petrol
Volkswagen Polo 1.6 Petrol
Volkswagen Touareg 3.0 V6 TDI
Volkswagen Vento 1.6 Diesel
Volkswagen Vento 1.6 MPI Highline
Volkswagen Vento 1.6 Petrol
Volkswagen Vento 1.6L AT Highline Petrol
Volkswagen Vento Old
Volkswagen Ameo 1.5 TDI Diesel
Volkswagen T Roc
Volkswagen Tiguan
Volkswagen Tiguan 2.0
Volkswagen Vento 1.2 Petrol

Volvo S60 Diesel
Volvo S60 Petrol
Volvo XC60
VOLVO XC 60 D5 Diesel 2013
D 40
Xc 40
XC 90
S -90
Volvo V40 D3

Premier Padmini Diesel
Premier Padmini Petrol
Premier Rio 1.2L Diesel
Premier Rio 1.5L Diesel
Premier Sigma Express
Premier Sigma Lifeline
Premier Sigma School Van
Premier Sigma Toursit

Force Gurkha
Force One 2.2L Diesel

ICML Delite Diesel
ICML Extreme Diesel
ICML Rhino Diesel
ICML Winner Diesel
ICML Xcitor Diesel

Jaguar F-TYPE Diesel
Jaguar F-TYPE Petrol
Jaguar XE
Jaguar XF Diesel
Jaguar XF Petrol
Jaguar XJ Diesel
Jaguar XJ Petrol
Jaguar F-PACE

Porsche 911 Carrera
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Abdullapurmet Abids AC Guards Adarsh Nagar Adda Gutta Adibatla Adikmet Afzal Gunj Aghapura Ahmed Nagar Aliabad Alkapur Township Alkapuri Almasguda Alwal Ambedkar Nagar Amber Nagar Amberpet Ameenpur Ameerpet Aminpur Anand Bagh Anand Nagar Anand Nagar Colony Ananthagiri Ankireddypalli Ankushapur Annojiguda APHB Colony Appa Junction AS Rao Nagar Ashok Nagar Asif Nagar Athvelly Attapur Auto Nagar Azamabad


Baber Bagh Bachupally Badangpet Badi Chowdi Bagh Amberpet Bagh Lingampally Bahadurpally Bahadurpura Balkonda Banswada Bellampalli Bhadrachalam Bhongir Bhupalpalle Boath Bodhan Bairamalguda Bakaram Balamrai Balanagar Balapur Balkampet Bandimet Bandlaguda Bandlaguda Jagir Banjara Hills Bansilalpet Bapuji Nagar Barkas Barkatpura Basheer Bagh Bazar Ghat Beeramguda Begum Bazaar Begumpet Bhagya Nagar Colony Bharat Nagar Bharath Nagar Colony BHEL Bhogaram Bhoiguda Bholakpur Bhongir Bhuvanagiri Bibinagar BK Guda BN Reddy Nagar Boduppal Bogaram Boggulakunta Boiguda Bolarum Bollaram Bongloor Borabanda Boudha Nagar Bowenpally Bowrampet Boyiguda Brahim Patnam Buddha Nagar Budwel Burgul


Chaderghat Chaitanyapuri Champapet Chanchalguda Chennur Chevella Choppadandi Chanda Nagar Chandrayangutta Chandulal Baradari Chappel Bazar Charkaman Charlapally Charminar Chatta Bazar Cheeriyal Cherial Cherlapally Chevalla Chikkadpally Chilkalguda Chilkur Chintal Chintal Basti Chintalkunta Chintalment Chintapallyguda Choutuppal Chudi Bazaar CRP Camp Cyberabad


Dabeerpura North Dabeerpura South Dammaiguda Devarkadra Dharmapuri Dornakal Dubbak Dar Ul Salam Darul Shifa Darus Salam Dasarlapally Dattatreya Colony Dayara DD Colony Defence Colony Devan Devdi Devaryamjal Dhan Bazar Dhoolpet Diamond Point Dilshad Nagar Dilsukh Nagar Domalguda Doodh Bowli Dullapally Dundigal Dwarkapuri Colony


East Anand Bagh East Marredpally ECIL Edi Bazar North Edulanagulapalle Erragadda Erramanzil Esamia Bazar


Falaknuma Farooqnagar Fateh Darwaza Fateh Maidan Fateh Nagar Feelkhana Ferozguda Film Nagar Financial District


Gachibowli Gaddi Annaram Gagan Mahal Gagan Pahad Gagillapur Gajularamaram Gandhi Bhavan Gandhi Nagar Gandi Maisamma Gandipet General Bazaar Ghansi Bazaar Ghasmandi Ghatkesar Girmapur Golconda Gopanapalli Gosha Mahal Gowdavalli Gowliguda Green Lands Green Park Extension Gudimalkapur Gulshan e Iqbal Colony Gulshan e Iqbal Colony Gulshane Iqbal Colony Gulzar House Gun Foundry Gun Rock Gundlapochampally Gunrock Enclave Gurram Guda


Habsiguda Hafeezpet Hakimpet Hanuman Nagar Colony Hanuman Tekdi Hanumanpet Husnabad Huzurabad Huzurngar Haribowli Hasan Nagar Hasmathpet Hasthinapuram Hayathnagar Hi Tech City Hi Tech City Hi Tech City High Court Hill Fort Himayat Nagar Himayat Sagar Himayath Nagar HiTech City HMT Nagar Humayun Nagar Hussaini Alam Hyder Basti Hyder Nagar Hyderabad Airport 1 Hyderabad GPO Hyderguda Hydernagar Hydershakote


Ibrahim Bagh Ibrahimpatnam Ie Moulali IE Nacharam IICT IM Colony Inder Bagh Indira Park Isnapur Izzat Nagar


Jagadgiri Gutta Jadcherla Jagtial Jangaon Jukkal Jagdish Market Jaggamguda Jahanuma Jalapalli Jam Bagh Jamia Osmania Jawahar Nagar Jeedimetla Jeera Jillellaguda JNTU Jubilee Hills


Kachi Kachiguda Kachivani Singaram Kadthal Kakaguda Kakatiya Nagar Kalasiguda Kali Kabar Kalwakurthy Kamareddy Khammam Khanapur Kodad Kodangal Kollapur Koratla Kothagudem Kali Kaman Kalyan Nagar Kamala Nagar Kamala Puri Colony Kamla Nagar Kanchan Bagh Kandoji Bazar Kandukur Kapra Karimnagar Karkhana Karman Ghat Karwan Karwan Sahu Katedan Kavadi Guda Kavuri Hills Kazipally Keesara Keesaragutta Kesav Giri Khairatabad Khajaguda King Koti Kishan Bagh Kishan Gunj Kismatpur Kistareddypet Kokapet Kollur Kolthur Kompally Komshetpalle Kondapur Kongara Korremal Kothaguda Kothapet Kothur Koti Kowkur KPHB Krishna Nagar Krishna Reddy Pet Kukatpally Kulsumpura Kummarguda Kummari Guda Kundan Bagh Kuntloor Kushaiguda Kyasaram


Laad Bazaar Lakdikapul Lal Bazar Lal Bahadur Nagar Lal Darwaza Lalapet Lalgadi Malakpet Lallaguda Langar Houz LB Nagar LB Stadium Liberty LIC Division Lingampally Lothkunta Lumbini Park


Machili Kaman Madanna Gudem Madannapet Maddur Madhapur Madhura Nagar Madina Madina Colony Madinaguda Maharaj Gunj Mahendra Hills Maheshwaram Majarguda Malakpet Malakpet Extension Malikdanguda Malkajgiri Mallampet Mallapur Mallapuram Mallepally Mamidipalli Manchirevula Mangal Hat Manikonda Mansoorabad Marredpally Maruthi Nagar Maruti Colony Masab Tank Mazidpur Medak Medchal Medipalli Meerpet Mehadipatnam Mehboob Ganj Mehboob Nagar Mehdipatnam Mettu Guda Mir Alam Mandi Miyapur Moghalpura Moinabad Mokila Monda Market Moosabowli Moosapet Moosaram Bagh Moti Ganpur Moti Nagar Moula Ali Mozamjahi Market Mughalpura Muktargunj Murad Nagar Musheerabad Muthangi Mylargadda


Nacharam Nadergul Nagaram Nagarjuna Hills Nagarjuna Nagar Nagole Nallagandla Nallagutta Nallakunta Namalagundu Nampally Nanakramguda Nandigama Napier Lines Narayanguda Narketpalli Narsingi Nawab Saheb Kunta Nayapul Neeladri Nagar Nehru Nagar Neredmet New Bowenpally New Boyiguda New Malakpet New Mallepally New MLA Quarters New Nagole New Nallakunta New Osmangunj NGRI Nimboliadda Nizamabad Nizampet Noor Khan Bazar NTR Nagar Nuthankal


Old Alwal Old Bowenpally Old Boyiguda Old City Old Ghasmandi Old Malakpet Old MLA Quarters Old Topkhana Osman Nagar Osman Shahi Osmangunj Osmania University


P and T Colony Padma Rao Nagar Padmavathi Nagar Pahadi Shareef Palika Bazar Pan Bazar Panjagutta Paradise Paradise Circle Parishram Bhavan Parsigutta Patancheru Patancheru Mandal Patel Market Pathargatti Patny Pavanpuri Colony Peddalaxmapur Peerancheru Peerzadiguda Pet Basheerabad Picket Pirzadi Guda Pochampally Pocharam Polkampally Pot Market Pragathi Nagar Prakash Nagar Prasanth Nagar Pratap Singaram Pulimamidi Punjagutta Puppalaguda Purana Pul Purani Haveli Putli Bowli


Qazipura Quthbullapur Qutub Shahi Tombs


Rahmath Nagar Rai Durg Raidurgam Rail Nilayam Raj Bhavan Rajarajeshwari Nagar Rajbolaram Rajeev Nagar Rajendra Nagar Ram Koti Ram Nagar Ramachandra Puram Ramakrishna Math Ramakrishna Puram Ramanthapur Ramgopalpet Ramkote Ramnagar Gundu Ramoji Film City Rampallidiara Rampally Ranga Reddy Nagar Rangareddy District Court Rani Gunj Rasoolpura Ravalkole Red Hills Regimental Bazaar Rein Bazar Rendlagadda Rethi Bowli Rikabgunj Risala Bazar RK Puram RR District RTC Colony Rudraram


Safilguda Sai Nagar Saidabad Saidabad Colony Saifabad Sainikpuri Sakkubai Nagar Saleem Nagar Sanath Nagar Sanath Nagar IE Sangareddy Sanjeeva Reddy Nagar Santosh Nagar Santosh Nagar Colony Saroor Nagar Sayeedabad Secretariat Secunderabad Seetharambagh Seetharampet Seethariguda Serilingampally Shadnagar Shah Ali Banda Shahbaad Shahpur Nagar Shaikpet Shamirpet Shamshabad Shamsher Gunj Shankarpally Shanker Bagh Shanker Mutt Shanthi Nagar Shanti Nagar Shapur Nagar Sheriguda Shivaji Nagar Shivarampalli Shyam Nagar Siddarth Nagar Siddhartha Nagar Siddiamber Bazaar Sikh Village Sindhi Colony Sitaphal Mandi Sitaram Bagh Sivarampalli Snehapuri Colony Somajiguda South Banjara Hills SR Colony SR Nagar Sri Krishna Nagar Sri Nagar Sri Nagar Colony Sri Ramnagar Sri Srinivas Colony Srinagar Colony Srinivasa Colony Srinivasa Nagar Srinivasa Nagar Colony Srinivasapuram Sripuram Colony Subhash Nagar Suchitra Sultan Bazaar Sultan Shahi Suraram Survey Of India Surya Nagar Colony Swaraj Nagar


Tagarikanaka Talab Katta Tank Bund Tar Bund Tara Nagar Tarnaka Tellapur Thimmaipally Thimmapur Thumkunta Tilak Nagar Tirumalgherry Tobacco Bazar Toli Chowki Topkhana Trimulgherry Troop Bazaar Tukkuguda Tupran Turkapalliyadaram Turkayamjal


Uppal Uppal Kalan Uppal Mandal Upparpally Uppuguda


Vaidehi Nagar Vanasthalipuram Vasavi Nagar Vattepally Vattinagulapally Vayupuri Vengal Rao Nagar Venkat Reddy Colony Venkatapuram Vidhan Sabha Vidya Nagar Vijay Nagar Colony Vijaya Nagar Colony Vikarabad Vikas Nagar Vikrampuri Vikrampuri Colony Vinayakarao Nagar Vishali Nagar Vittalwadi


Walker Town Warasiguda West Marredpally Whitefields


Yadagirigutta Yadgarpally Yakutpura Yapral Yellareddy Guda Yousufguda Yusuf Bazar


Zahirabad Zamistanpur